First and Foremost are the Main 4 Religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Of these the various sub-divisions are roughly depicted.
First and Foremost are the Main 4 Religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Of these the various sub-divisions are roughly depicted.
First and Foremost are the Main 4 Religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Of these the various sub-divisions are roughly depicted.
First and Foremost are the Main 4 Religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Of these the various sub-divisions are roughly depicted.
The Below depicted Demographic Map gives a simplified overview of the World and what may be dubbed the "Classical" distribution of Religions across its Continents. First and Foremost are the 4 main religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.
Islam is mainly found in the Middle-East, North Africa, Central Asia and South-East Asia with its most populous nation in Indonesia. In by far most Islamic Regions Sunni Islam is the dominant sub-division, with Shia Islam only widely practiced in Iran (Persia) and (parts of Eastern) Iraq. In China Islam is spread thinly throughout and concentrated in the North-West. The rare form of Wahabism, is considered an fundamentalist branch of Sunni Islam can be found in Saudi Arabia, neighboring Qatar and lately in Indonesia and other Saudi "Aid" Nations. Currently, the entire Middle East is enflamed by religious, sectarian and political strife with extreme groups violently propagating their version of the Islamic Faith.
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Introduction to Map o/t Distribution o/t Religions & Faiths of the World at
Hinduism is only found in India, one of the most populous Nations in the World, where a significant section of the population is Muslim. As they are in Pakistan. All Religions in Africa, with an amazing variety are heaped in one lot as "local religions".
Various sub-divisions of the Christian Faith can be found throughout western Europe (although in many parts citizen have no affiliation with any church), throughout South-, Middle-, and North-America. Until recently small Christian "sects"or tribes were dispersed throughout Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East. Their situation remains threatened as war ravages much of western Asia. A last Continent with a significant population of Christians is Australia, mainly in the urban and rural sections on the East Coast of the Continent.
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This page was last updated on: June 25, 2019